Top 3 Free Video Editing software programs and softwares

There are many free video editing software programs but the following are the top 3 free video editing software programs which are easy to use and famous as well. Click on the links to go to webpages to download these softwares.

1. Microsoft Windows Movie Maker

This is one of the best free video editing software programs available.
This free video editing software from microsoft is already installed on newly purchased computers that are running Windows XP. Microsoft has many add-ons for this software, and upgrades are available through the website.

2. Apple Imovie

Apple iMovie is one of the best free video editing programs available for MAC users and has many advanced features and add-ons and is comparable to Windows Movie Maker, but the only constraint is it is used on the MAC operating system. Unfortunately, the software is only free if you buy a new MAC system. If you are interested in getting this free software without buying the MAC system, it is available for purchase.

3. Video Pad Video Editor

This version is for some what experienced users and who are technically good. This free video editing softwar has got a good selection of export options, great help and makes the perfect first app.

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