List of 50 States and Capitals of USA with Abbreviations
Posted On at by top websitesIts always good to know the complete list of 50 states and capitals of United States Of America. The following is the list of all 50 states in alphabetical order with Abbreviations and capitals.
Read the following in the order of Name Of the State, Capital and Abbreviation :
1. Alabama, Montgomery (AL)
2. Alaska, Juneau (AK)
3. Arizona, Phoenix (AZ)
4. Arkansas, Little Rock (AR)
5. California, Sacramento (CA)
6. Colorado, Denver (CO)
7. Connecticut, Hartford (CT)
8. Delaware, Dover (DE)
9. Florida, Tallahassee (FL)
10. Georgia, Atlanta (GA)
11. Hawaii, Honolulu (HI)
12. Idaho, Boise (ID)
13. Illinois, Springfield (IL)
14. Indiana, Indianapolis (IN)
15. Iowa, Des Moines (IA)
16. Kansas, Topeka (KS)
17. Kentucky, Frankfort (KY)
18. Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA)
19. Maine, Augusta (ME)
20. Maryland, Annapolis (MD)
21. Massachusetts, Boston (MA)
22. Michigan, Lansing (MI)
23. Minnesota, St. Paul (MN)
24. Mississippi, Jackson (MS)
25. Missouri, Jefferson City (MO)
26. Montana, Helena (MT)
27. Nebraska, Lincoln (NE)
28. Nevada, Carson City (NV)
29. New Hampshire, Concord (NH)
30. New Jersey, Trenton (NJ)
31. New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM)
32. New York, Albany (NY)
33. North Carolina, Raleigh (NC)
34. North Dakota, Bismarck (ND)
35. Ohio, Columbus (OH)
36. Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (OK)
37. Oregon, Salem (OR)
38. Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA)
39. Rhode Island, Providence (RI)
40. South Carolina, Columbia (SC)
41. South Dakota, Pierre (SD)
42. Tennessee, Nashville (TN)
43. Texas, Austin (TX)
44. Utah, Salt Lake City (UT)
45. Vermont, Montpelier (VT)
46. Virginia, Richmond (VA)
47. Washington, Olympia (WA)
48. West Virginia, Charleston (WV)
49. Wisconsin, Madison(WI)
50. Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY)